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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 ceptr_specs.cImplements a main() entry point for running all the tests
 test_framework.hImplements the testing harness
 accumulator.cImplementation file for accumulator
 accumulator.hHeader file for the accumulator
 base_defs.cAuto-generated system definitions
 base_defs.hAuto-generated system definitions
 ceptr.cImplements main() entry point for the ceptr node
 def.cImplementation file for symbol and structure definition functions
 def.hHeader file for symbol and structure definition functions
 group.cImplementation of some group communication receptors
 group.hGroup communication receptors header file
 label.cImplementation of label tabels for semantic reference to parts of semantic trees
 label.hLabel tables map human readable text strings to parts of semantic trees
 mtree.cSemantic tree matrix implementation
 mtree.hSemantic tree matrix header file ``
 process.cImplementation of ceptr processing: instructions and run tree reduction
 process.hProcessing header files
 protocol.cImplementation of protocol helpers
 protocol.hProtocol helpers header file
 receptor.cReceptor implementation
 receptor.hReceptor implementation header file
 scape.cImplementation of scapes
 scape.hScape header files
 semtable.cImplementation of table for coordinating meaning across a vmhost
 semtable.hHeader file for table for coordinating meaning across a vmhost
 semtrex.cSemtrex implementation
 semtrex.hSemantic tree regular expression header file
 shell.cImplementation of a command line shell receptor
 shell.hCommand line shell receptor header files
 stream.cStream abstraction implementation
 stream.hStreams abstraction header file
 sys_defs.cDefinition of system semantic elements for bootstrapping
 sys_defs.hDefines types and vars for system defined semantics
 tree.cSemantic tree pointer implementation
 tree.hSemantic trees header file
 vmhost.cVirtual machine host receptor implementation
 vmhost.hVmhost implementation header file